Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Proper BBH Protocol

Something disturbing has come to my attention. In recent years, there has been a great increase and subsequent abuse of the "Bros Before Ho's" rule, and it sickens me. This great American tradition has been turned into a mere excuse for cockblocking and other dickery. As such, I have taken it upon myself to lay down some general rules for proper deployment of the BBH rule.

"Bros Before Ho's" explcitly means that actions in the best interest of one or more Bros take precedent over those in the interest of one or more Ho's. It is not to be used as an excuse for behavior unbecoming of a Bro (such as stealing another Bro's Ho).

"Bros" refers to: Any male friend in good standing with another male, and, at a Bro's discretion, any female friends not romantically, familially, or sexually linked with a Bro.
"Bros" does not refer to: Any relatives of a Bro, male or female; acquaintances of a Bro, whether male or female; enemies of a Bro, whether male or female.

"Ho's" refers to: Any female whose attractiveness has the potential to cloud a Bro's judgement, up to and including any females romantically or sexually linked to a Bro, who are of age to be so.
"Ho's" does not refer to: Any female related to a Bro; any female friend not romantically or sexually linked with a Bro; any female not of sound age to be romantically or sexually linked with a Bro.

Scenarios where BBH applies (BBH-applicable scenarios): If a Bro wishes to cut off any activity between Bros to engage in any Ho-related activity, unless said Ho-related activity has been brought to the Bros' attention prior to the arrangement of the activity between the Bros; If a Bro wishes to leave the location of his fellow Bros for Ho-related purposes when the group is not currently engaged in a Ho-related activity, unless said Ho-related purposes do not detract from the other Bros' mood for a substantial amount of time; If a Bro feels that another Bro's involvement with a Ho will detract in any way from either Bro's mood; If a Bro has allowed or intends to allow a Ho to mess with another Bro's shit.

Scenarios where BBH does not apply (non-BBH-applicable scenarios): If a Bro wishes to prevent another Bro from involvement with a Ho merely for purposes relating to the first Bro (henceforth reffered to as "cock-blocking"); any normally BBH-applicable scenario where the female(s) in question do not meet the definition of a Ho, at the discretion of any Bros present.

Hopefully this post will clear up any confusion related to Bros Before Ho's.


  1. lol wut

    Wait, wait... was it your intention all along to create more confusion regarding BBH? If so:

    1. You succeeded marvelously.
    2. I applaud your sense of irony.
