Sunday, July 19, 2009

Breaking News: New id Game to Have Guns, Enemies

I just got my new Game Informer, right? Now, by and large, they're pretty much the only gaming print magazine still in existance that doesn't reek of pure suckage, something very admirable of them. One thing that tends to piss me off about them is that they almost always maintain a tone of over-the-top enthusiasm about the game they're previewing, no matter how boring, shitty, or hackneyed it looks (exception: all third-paty Wii games are preemptively declared boring, shitty, and hackneyed in their previews). This has never angered me to a significant degree or anything, but their new preview of id's upcoming Rage left me dumbfounded.

It's a free-roaming game about playing as a faceless dude waking up in a big Government-run underground facility in a post-apocalyptic future. And you fight bandits and mutants and whatnot with improvised weaponry. And you get a dune buggy.


I'm sorry, but just because you're a company known for doing nothing but dark-corridor shooters doesn't mean your new free-roaming post-apocalyptic world is any less than done to death. I can't accurately capture the particular in-house gourmet blend of id's total arrogance and Game Informer's obviously-payed-off wide-eyed enthusiasm, but id must have a set of big ol' brass balls thinking any of Rage's stylistic or gameplay elements are unique. Well, scratch that; id is known for having a set of big ol' brass balls, and I'd honestly be pretty miffed if they had appeared to turn soft. But it doesn't change the fact that they are passing off an intensely average game as the next messiah of FPSes. Even the big badass new FPS-redefining feature, vehicles, has been done, and very well, by a little game called Half-Life 2, for starters.

While I realize that refining tired concepts into spectacular FPSes is id's identity, but this is 2009 and that shit won't fly, at least not without a genuine attempt at something new.

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