Friday, July 17, 2009

First Post Evar, and Reflections on Whiteness

Hey internet, sup.

So here I am, typing up the very first post on my blog. As of now, I honestly have no idea what the main subject matter of this blog is to be, if indeed it is to have one at all. I've wrestled with the idea of making a blog for myself over the last couple days, and, after not-so-grueling debates, both with myself and with my homies at The Fungi Forums, I decided, eh, what the hell.

I suppose my first subject should be the newest Harry Potter flick. I honestly couldn't care less about the franchise or any of its characters, settings, or events, and was forced to come along with one of my friends. A couple of cool special effects here and there, though the entire time I felt like some sort of outsider, the story incomprehensible through a thick goo of injokes and plot references. My main complaint, though, is that the movie is so damn white.

Like, you could drive through a blizzard to a polar bear convention in Wisconsin to do cocain with Wayne Brady, and run into less whiteness than you will with this movie. There are precisely two black dudse in the entire film; one is on the badguy team and never seen again after the opening train sequence. The other has no lines whatsoever, but to compensate, is in the forefront of every single crowd scene ever, meaning he's probably one of those loserly guys at almost every school who would always be the first to every fight and the most excited, in an overblown attempt to seem cool (to compensate, though, this guy does have a very cheery personality).

And the movie has Helena Bonham Carter in it, who manages to be intensely creepy and totally hawtt at the same time, something few actresses can pull off (aside from Helena Bonham Carter in Fight Club, Helena Bonham Carter in Terminator 4, Helena Bonham Carter in Sweeney Todd, and Helena Bonham Carter in Corpse Bride).

This concludes the Blorg's First Post.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to go see it tonight. And oh dear me yes Helena Bonham Carter is quite hot.
